Dienstag, 18. März 2008

Combining Graphical and Textual Model Editing

This is a small video presentation, where I explain how graphical and textual modeling can be used in combination. This is based on TEF and GMF. We simply put TEF editors for single model elements into small overlay windows. These embedded textual editors can be opened from the graphical host editor. The embedded textual editors then edit a sub-model within the model managed by the graphical host editor.

Click the image, or simply download the video as Xvid-encoded AVI. This will be part of our next release in the end of March 2008.

3 Kommentare:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Very cool presentation! It looks like mixed concrete syntax is the future of DSLs.

We we've implemented something similar based on Xtext (see http://apps.itemis.de/roller/itemislabkiel/entry/convergence_of_editors#comments ) but we are synchronizing on files currently. Sharing the editing domain is much better in terms of undo/redo.

Ed Merks hat gesagt…

Very cool indeed! Thanks for sending a link. Maybe you should feed your blog to Planet Eclipse.

Anonym hat gesagt…

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